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Reply To: Quidi Tecnology X Pro 3D printer

Home Forums 3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming Quidi Tecnology X Pro 3D printer Reply To: Quidi Tecnology X Pro 3D printer


Cult of Games Member

Just an update. A nightmare really. Printer arrived Saturday and I spent all day Saturday and most of Sunday and today trying to get it to print. The glass bed was warped and I just couldn’t get the bed to level or the filament to stick to the bed. Tried it all glue, tape, hair spray. Etc. Item been returned tomorrow. And so the journey begins again. I’m not dispondent and the search goes on. The CR10 I got clearly had issues I tried everything I was able but the down side was the lack of instructions packaged. So watch this space as I try again. I bought mine through Amazon who have been great.

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