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Unfortunately MWG seem to be getting more and more 40k and AoS-focused at the cost of other content, to the point that I’m not going to renew my subscription this year. It was their 30k coverage that got me onboard there and that’s been all but dropped in favour of the 2 mainstreams. I would love for them to have some Bolt Action or FoW/TY on there but I can’t see it happening as they’re too busy milking the GW cash cow.
Back on topic, as others have mentioned, it’s the people that make the difference. Whilst I try and stick to historical themes, I won’t turn down a game because 2 people have turned up at a club night with German armies for example (as has happened in the past), I’ll just call it a training exercise, crack on and have fun. On the flip-side, we’ve had a true rivet-counter turn up one night who proceeded to tell me in a quite blunt manner that my fuel canisters were painted the wrong colour on my Panzer IVs…. For me it’s attitudes like that that introduce barriers to historical gaming. The outspoken “your army is not 100% accurate” attitude is off-putting to newcomers as they may feel they have to meet these requirements before they can play. There’s a big difference between making an effort to fit the era colour scheme, and ensuring that Sgt Smith is wearing the correct belt buckle for a tuesday in May (extreme example I know but you get the gist! 🙂 )
I’ll admit I’m guilty to some extent when it comes to Horus Heresy (effectively historical 40k) and not wanting to see post-heresy/40k armour Mks in infantry units when appropriate kits are so readily available. I won’t pull people up on it, but it does niggle me to see 🙂