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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 19/10/2018 – The Directors Cut Limited Edition Box Set

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 19/10/2018 – The Directors Cut Limited Edition Box Set Reply To: Hobby Weekender 19/10/2018 – The Directors Cut Limited Edition Box Set


Cult of Games Member

@warzan wow we went from gaming props to vodka jelly shots pretty quickly there? Or was that just my mental leap… 😛 Hope the gaming with the little ones id going well 🙂 10 points

@querion wow, seems to be the season for it – hope you are OK?…  re approach to hobby, maybe just skim the thread and ‘borrow’ others approaches until you find what works for you? Ah yes I know the feeling re new shinies. I am getting somewhat better at not buying as much stuff. Actually that’s probably not quite true – I think the advent of the army Painter method just means I am churning through stuff faster so that my pile of shame now just appears to be growing at a slower rate to what it was before… 😛

Also, I’ll see your Halestorm and raise you an Alestorm:

Cool, I love that there are constantly benad on Nuclear Blast records that I have never heard of, great label that continually surprises 🙂 Good luck with the Deepkin, please post progress pics if you get the chance 🙂 50 points for responses and tunes.

@rickabod41 well diversity in projects works ok for some do if you are moving forward rather than stalling don’t stress too much – it’ll all come together at one point. What is your Youtube channel going to focus on? 10 points

@oriskany great looking work on the V&V – It’s funny, Monash was never even mentioned at school when I was growing up – the whole focus was on the Gallipoli campaign rather than on the events on the Western Front. It completely blew me away when I first read about what he managed to achieve, was pretty much dumbfounded that he hadn’t been part of the school curriculum. Looking at setting something around the 100th anniversary of the conclusion of the war, or just a coincidence in timing? regardless, game setup looks great, hope you have some fun playing through the scenario. Love the look of hex and counter games, always gives me a nostalgia trip back to 80’s wargames. 40 points for hobby progress and posts to date.

@mage yes mimics are great fun for messing with PC’s heads – if you game with minis it’s hilarious. Just have one sitting in a highly visible spot in your pile of ‘dungeon monster’ minis and your players will start metagaming and stab every bookcase, shelf and chest of drawers they come across, just to be sure. Wow, really like the dynamic pose on the Boba Fett mini – I think you just sold me on that one. How is your friend finding SWL as an introduction to the hobby? 40 points for posts and hobby progress.

@sundancer like the work on the BB adds – great looking stuff and no doubt adds to the atmosphere of the games. And really nice work on the scout troopers – the white is nice and crisp and the dark contrast areas are very clean and neat – great work so far! And thanks for the rescue with Rammstein 🙂 40 points.

@elessar2590 nice scheme for the SWL, a great idea. And generic futuristic city terrain is probably a little easier to repurpose than some of the other more recognisable environs from the Star wars franchise. Do you have stormtroopers to paint up in a similar scheme to counter them or are you focusing on Rebels? 20 points for hobby progress.

@horati0nosebl0wer heh yes every year the bar keeps getting higher and higher on paining quality – the Crystal Brush entries for the last few years have almost caused me to weep…  Hrm I’d have considered Green Chartreuse for the green potions, but Midori would probably be a lot safer. let’s be honest though, alcohol and gaming never ends well. It ends quickly, just not well. Unless maybe if you are playing Flux or Cards Against Humanity, then it sort of helps 🙂 Ahhhh! Kawaii Overload! Thanks to @sundancer for rescuing me with some nice soothing rammstein as ear bleach 🙂 But seriously, 30 points for question responses, 20 for post responses and 20 more for sharing the ‘cultural experience’ with us (OK I’ll admit I didn’t actually mind the last couple of tracks with the pinhead clones…) 70 points total.

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