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1) If you had to play one game for the rest of your life what would it be?
If someone could get their crap together and treat the IP right…Warzone. Otherwise proabably 40k
2) How did you learn of BOW and how why did you become a member of the team community?
I think I found em on Youtube…Warren used to do a weekly(?) segment called On The Table top or something.
3) What do you enjoy the most about your hobby?
All of it. Less so painting, because I’m terrible.
4) where would you be if you weren’t working for BOW where you work?
I currently work in retail, but I’d much rather be a novelist/comic book writer-artist. Which are my other hobbies
5) what is your favourite genre to play games in?
6) what are your job roles within BOW where you work?
I call my self a “box monkey”… I work as an early morning replenishment associate.
7) what did you do before your current job?
I was unemployed/married/going through the beginning stages of my transition
8) favourite all time game?
9) what do your co-workers think is your expertise?
Sexual innuendo
10) favourite alcoholic and non alcoholic drink?
No alcohol (recovering alcoholic)… I would say Ice water or apple cider
11) spare time hobby thats not gaming related?
Writing and drawing
12) what do you think others say is your most irritating trait?
My self depricating humor. I’ve actually got in trouble for talking down about my self at work.
13) can you lick your own nose?
14) what do you like the most and hate the most about your job?
Like-Some of the people I work with Dislike- the rest… and the super early hours
15) favourite candy bar
Peanut butter cups
16) favourite book
The Elric Saga
17) favourite pizza
Chicken, bacon, red onion and mushrooms with a creme sauce
18) favourite movie
Finding Forrester
19) favourite band
Damn! Tie between Maiden, Priest and Volbeat
20) who from the BOW would you eat in a zombie apocalypse?
Warren 😉