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Reply To: Hobby weekender 22/03/2019 – Alright I guess we're doing the 2010's…

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby weekender 22/03/2019 – Alright I guess we're doing the 2010's… Reply To: Hobby weekender 22/03/2019 – Alright I guess we're doing the 2010's…


Cult of Games Member

@rayzryr agreed – nozzle free zone it is 🙂 The old mules comment made me laugh 🙂 Do you maybe have a spare plastic sword you can use as a replacement blade on your damaged warrior? Think I might also need to get stuck into the priming this weekend – have a bunch of terrain queued up which needs some lovin’. Lots of rain forecast though so it might wind up being too humid, will have to see how we go. 20 points for progress and responses.

@tuffyears ah the feel of a new project 🙂 Best of luck progressing with it! Given the tank scheme you showed I’m sort of tempted to do a game of Tanks on the equivalent of a gingerbread house themed town – that would work, right?…  🙂 Nice start with the assembly. 20 points for progress and responses

@limburger yes I can’t help but imagine how gorgeous that artwork is going to look once you have hard copies in hand. And with the size of the KS carting them around will soon give you the physique of a Cimmerian 🙂 Heh, now I can’t unsee the Barbie-pink Vader… Sexy tanks? I’d call that out but then I was kind of ogling that Grav-StuG KS. No, I don’t need one and I definitely don’t need three… 😉 20 points.

@sundancer Isn’t imitation supposed to be the highest form of flattery? 😉 10 points.

OK Team, calling the thread closed here. Combined count-up for the last 2 weeks will follow tomorrow. Also, is anybody else able to host next week! I’ve got month end on at work <_<


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