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My German 20mm Army has figures from…
AB Figures
CP Models
Underfire Miniatures
Battlefield Miniatures
…and that’s just one army. So more than six…
We have tocbe careful in applying a personal view as in somehow indicative of an entire hobby, mine would be especially skewed. I see plenty of large armies, in 28mm too, and while I agree that a focus has shifted to 28mm skirmish games, I think that’s as much manufacturer led as by consumer preference.
It also depends on your group. I know no one who plays WW2 in anything but 20mm. That’s cos I play it in 20mm and therefore the majority of people I game with and associate with online, tend to gravitate the same way.
I just think that as bigger companies go with 28mm, with the resources to promote it, the other scales get less visibility. But that doesn’t always equate to them not being popular. For example, in 20mm/1/72nd I have never known a period with such a variety of models and figures available. It’s truly amazing… and the models are plastics. So the money must come from somewhere… and here we have an advantage no other wargaming scale has – Scalemodellers. Their has been a boon in small scale modelling with 1/72 rising in popularity.
So for me… Its the opposite. All I see is 20mm, huge 28mm armies and big games too, plus our games do have the feel of the period.
But you are right… popularity and money to advertise help 28mm and you do have to go looking for other things…
But to me, that’s part of the fun. 🙂