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Reply To: Advice on starter painting sets (& brushes)

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Advice on starter painting sets (& brushes) Reply To: Advice on starter painting sets (& brushes)


Cult of Games Member

As far as paints go, I’d recommend games workshop or Vallejo for beginners.

P3 are also good, buuuut, the lids of their paint pots have a tendency to break, I mean the little lip, so opening the becomes very difficult and i have a couple where the sides of the lid have basically disintegrated so there is no proper seal anymore.

But avoid army painter, they are hands down the worst acrylics I have ever used, horrendous coverage, worst in bottle separation of any range, no matter what I did I couldn’t get anything approaching good coverage. And I have been painting for 20 years, so not a novice.


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