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Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Best mechanics for AI baddies ? Reply To: Best mechanics for AI baddies ?


Cult of Games Member

Thanks for the mention, @limburger .  I would just make one slight update to the postures:

1) Defend : hold an objective, don’t worry about losses or kills (Hard Defense – stand and die)

2) Delay : hold an objective for a time, but be ready to fall back as the situtaion demands.  (Soft Defense – defend but escape)

3) Probe : worry about losses, don’t worry about objectives or kills (Meeting Engagement / Recon)

4) Attack/Strike : hit the enemy with a view to destroy as much as possible, or a certain target in particular. (Hit & Run / Raid)

5) Assault : not only attack, but take and hold a certain objective, no matter the cost (“Permanent” Attack)

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