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Hobby Weekender 08/03/19 – Slightly Forward to the 90s

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This topic contains 144 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 5 years, 1 month ago.

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    @rayzryr <110 points>

    Korn – 10 points

    1. It was such a thing and Patrick Stewart is coming back for a Picard series. Metal, Grunge, Nu Metal was a strange transformation to be fair. Sadly grunge seems to have run its course but Alice in Chains are still around. RIP Scott Weyland, though, I miss STP. 15 points. Animanics and Pinky and the Brain too. Another 5 points.
    2. 15 points. Oddly enough a Australian soaps were big over here in Ireland and still are. Home and Away, Neighbours, Shortland Street (technically New Zealand but same general area)…

    3. Damn you flipped the script and knocked it out of the park. Not that I give two craps about baseball. 30 points. Also I need to go back and rewatch all the Jurassic movies now. However ere is where your jetpacks went:

    4. Bionics? quite valid from a medical perspective. 15 points. Ghost in the Shell times are defo ahead of us.

    20 points for responses to others.


    Okay, Mage out. For a while. My basmati rice and brocolli is cooking and then Ill microwave my cooked chicken. Then off to watch youtube, bow and movies.



    My own pledge:

    • Work on my friends Goblins (I did not help as much as I should have yesterday so I am doing the metals for her)
    • Play Dreadball
    • Play Shadespire (well, nightvault)
    • Paint some terrain
    • Work on my Minotaurs

    That’s it for now.

    Answers to my own questions? Maybe later. Do not feel like it at the moment. Haha.


    @evilstu Lol… the 80s thread missed my first record that I owned being RUN DMC’s self titled vinyl and the first CD being Green Day’s β€œDookie”. As far as the nostalgia goggles I agree mine fall onto videogames. Doom has held strong enough to be reborn better than say Duke Nukem or Shadow Warrior.

    @sundancer Good point about tech. Hammers need to be observed with great respect as Middenheimers have taught us from Mordheim. Good luck with the car repair. I can say that the ideas of vehicle engineering have diverged since WWII in tank design. Germany has pressed the boundaries of what you can get out of a machine while Russian thought was β€œHow easy can this be fixed?”. The difference between Mercedes Benz and Lada.

    @robert Good on you for relearning BB. The graphics for the game are great as compared to the first iteration on the videogame. I too have nobody around me to play but the shiny bug bit me at a time when I saw a good sale and I have a set of copper coated metal block dice. They are heavy and just work well for my sense of wanting tactile input in gaming (next step a mousepad material BB pitch)

    @rayzryr Damn good point from Jurassic Park. I gripe slightly about differences between books and movies but that is a great lynchpin moment to consider the entire story. After this the rest of the series really shouldn’t exist as film. I will check out the video later as these responses take a bit.

    @kiraamida You are doing everything right. Go ahead and toss your thoughts on the questions that mage posed at the tail end of the first post. If you weren’t alive yet/too young for the 90s give your thoughts on whatever is related.

    @mage For shame. We lack our fictional currencies? I proposed teddybear skins. In the far flung times of the 90s that began our glorious trek in nerd-dom (look at the figure development) that was an era where high end geekery started to develop. As such, we take the stuffing out of childhood and use their empty husks for trade…. A bit too grim? I thought it worked for a Stuffed Heroes analogy and cross it with Lord of the Flies meeting Stranger Things (minus the world ending/people devouring elements).

    As far as pledges, I’m still working on that Eldar Epic army. I got the pics to prove it.




    On a separate note here’s music.

    And now for something completely different


    Cult of Games Member

    Epic Eldar are Epic πŸ˜‰

    Tomorrow I’m going to get the gitz I ordered. πŸ˜€
    And I probably should see if I can get my bike in working condition.

    > 1. What do you miss about 90s pop culture?

    Isn’t it that it was the 90’s in which MTV forgot it was Music TV ?
    Or was that later ?

    > 2. What was a bad thing about the 90s? Try not to let this one get too political.
    The end of MTV ?

    > 3. Technology Question: What is your opinion on the following mantra with potential dangerous, albeit for the moment mainly theoretical technology: if we can do something, should we do it? Kind of an Isaac Asimov Question.

    Or as Oppenheimer said : “I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”
    IIRC it was a quote from an Indian text. So technically not his words.
    I do think that we (as a species) have thought so little about the impact of various tech on life itself.

    All this radiation from our mobile devices can not possibly be healthy.
    I also doubt that all this genetic modification crap is good for us as a species.

    > 4. Technology Question: What piece of technology are you enjoying using or is due to be released soon that you look forward to? This can be anything from an early 90s printer to VR gaming, or anything going off in a tangent.

    The 90’s is definitely the era in which consoles replaced homecomputers.
    As for VR … as cool as the idea is I doubt it is going to get anywhere ever.
    The hardware is too expensive and the games/software are too limited.
    The cool things are 10 minute tech demos as opposed to proper 10+ hour games.
    And then there’s people who get motion sick or who wear glasses which further limits the potential audience.


    Cult of Games Member

    Better make a pledge for this weekend – in this case I want to get some more work in on my Knight Preceptor and it’s attendant trio of Armiger Warglaives, and I really want to get those Space marine Heroes Terminators painted up. Sticking to my idea to paint them as oath-sworn-brothers from several Chapters, I’ve picked the following six chapters who all had colour schemes I thought would present interesting challenges:

    • Storm Wardens
    • Celestial Lions
    • Mentors
    • Nova Marines
    • Mantis Warriors
    • White Panthers

    @mage I currently have the contents of the Scions Star Collecting box to work through, plus I had enough spares already in hand from different bits purchases to build another 8. So far I’ve built 5:

    2019-03-08 21.02.07

    Gerry inspired me with his rage about female Commissars & Scions, so I’m going to see if I can mix in some female heads amongst those wearing berets that I’ve picked up from various companies (and because I’m all about the fluff it works as Archon and Honourbound – the most recent novels staring the Astra Militarum – both have female Scions turn up πŸ™‚ ).

    That legion Vigilator I won also turned up in the post today so I’m going to give that and some other resin kits a scrub & clean tomorrow morning so I can start work on them.

    Onto the questions:
    1) Oddly I kinda miss the 90’s fad for “X-TREME!!!” and colours that could kindly be labelled as “day-glo”.

    2) See the answer to question 1, because I might be nolstalgic but I’m not an idiot πŸ˜›

    3) A tricky one as almost none of the great leaps in our technological growth or in human achievement have been accomplished by playing it safe. Equally the reason fusion bombs, and in turn fusion reactors (which would theoretically be far more clean than a nuclear reactor and create much more energy), haev not been developed further was that after the first few tests it was theorised a fusion detonation ran the risk of causing a cascade reaction that would turn into a global fireball. No one has really wanted to put that theory to the test…..

    4) HaveΒ  to get back to you on that one……





    @dawfydd Yup Gaunt’s Ghost have a female Commisar. It’s a thing.

    I’m off down the coast to Bangor to do my Pathfinder thing so that’s my hobby for the weekend. Questions either tomorrow or later if I get bored on my long bus drive.



    @dawfydd might try and see Captain Marvel as well based on the positive reviews.Β  Nice choice of chapters, looking forward to seeing them!

    @horati0nosebl0wer The X-Files was great, a very good series.Β  The graphics for BB2 are great.Β  Some of the piling on and scoring animations have me in stitches πŸ™‚Β  Good luck with the Eldar.Β  Some very cool models there.

    @evilstu there is an actual music shop in my small town.Β  Serious collection of vinyl in it, and I still enjoy popping in and picking a record or CD up.

    @sundancer what doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger… not always apparent at the time.

    @rayzryr looking forward to seeing more of the Dark Angels.Β  It might inspire me to get mine done.Β  Also TNG was great.Β  I still have my Deanna Troi mug. Read a ton of the novels related to it in my teens. I bought the resin figures of the main cast to paint sometime when they were on sale.

    @kiranamida yes, you are doing it right.Β  Come join in!

    @mage not sure if there is a gaming group.Β  There was one about 15 miles away but it seems to have disappeared.Β  Maybe I need to set one up.Β  The lead singer of Skyclad is called Martin Walkyier who was in a Thrash band called Sabbat before Skyclad, who were excellent.Β  They also had a song called Blood for the Blood God which was given away free on a flexi disc in White Dwarf.Β  John Blanche also did the cover of their debut album, History of a Time to Come – which is brilliant!Β  Good luck on the pledge!

    @limburger push bike or motorbike?Β  Also agree regarding VR.Β  Not something that will change gaming in a major way, IMO.

    @woldenspoons have fun at your event!Β  Good luck.









    Music – 93, 94, and 95.

    1993. Anacrusis – Sound the Alarm.Β  Little known American band, who recorded a mix prog and thrash metal.Β  This is from their 4th and final album and it is a killer album.

    1994. Amorphis – Black Winter Day.Β  More Doom Death from one of my favourite bands.Β  Loads of melody in this.

    1995. The Gathering – Strange Machines.Β  Probably the least heavy song I’ve put up and I’ve put up a live version of this as vocals are mind blowing.Β  Strangely I only got into this band last year after listening to this live version someone had posted online.


    Cult of Games Member

    @robert : the one without an infernal combustion engine to move it forward πŸ˜‰

    Human power ! That’s where it’s at.

    In other news … ze box of plastic greatness has arrived.
    All hail the star children … death to the false god *Eh*


    Cult of Games Member

    Progres for this weekend so far has been getting the weapons on these guys painted plus black on the 3 infantry blocks in the front. Adding black to the ranged units will have to wait until tomorrow at least as I’ve been awake since 3… Also @mage the buildings I mentioned earlier are in the background.


    @mage yeah you are right – the internet does mean bands can get global exposure, and I have stumbled across probably hundreds of bands that I otherwise wouldn’t have discovered… I guess the point that I was poorly attempting to make was back in the day it was more meaningful to actually make that connection with a person and hear their recommendations because it happened so infrequently. On balance though, you’re right – I’d much rather have the present situation where everybody can access everything all the time πŸ™‚ How’s the carousel going?

    @dawfydd nice idea re the pledge. heh, Celestial Lions – the metaphorical House Stark of space marine chapters… Do you think these minis will be the catalyst for a few more diversified Kill Team projects in the future? raging Heroes do a lot of female IG commissar equivalents, just be mindful that their site is a little NSFW… (Did someone mention wanting to see Slaanesh centaurs last week? Yeah they do them too…).

    @horati0nosebl0wer Had forgotten about the X-files. Must confess I gave up on it after about 4 seasons as was eventually getting bored getting strung along on the plot (stop teasing us you monsters! πŸ˜› Ahem… ) . Still, as you say definitely memorable and one of the TV highlights of the decade. heh, played waaayyy too much Doom 2 head to head back in the day. if only E-sports was a thing in the 90’s… Epic a commission or are you painting up for yourself? Nice detailing at 1/300 too BTW πŸ™‚

    @sundancer oh no! I don’t know that my whole car is worth that much… Hope you get things sorted soon and re-find your hobby mojo.

    @rayzryr heh, 90’s condensed into one opening line in your post – pretty much sums things up πŸ™‚ Oh yeah, dial-up… My nostalgia bubble is waning…

    @robert enjoy the rugby πŸ™‚ Hope you do get to catch all the games. I’ve pretty much given up trying to order CD’s locally – I pretty much have to go mail order form Germany to get the stuff I’m after…

    @kiranamida solid pledge πŸ™‚ Is your little one too little to jump in on the hobby bandwagon? If so then you still have plenty of time to plan how to indoctrinate introduce them to the hobby πŸ™‚

    @limburger nice news on the Gitz! What are you getting specifically?

    @woldenspoons best of luck pathfindering!



    Cult of Games Member

    @evistu : I got a unit of troggoths, their dankhold boss, Molog & Zagbag from Nightvault (cool named units).
    And then there’s the shootas plus the (IMHO) mandatory crazy gitz with their iron balls of doom.

    The squig dice have an actual rubber outer layer, so they feel like cubed squigs *grin*

    The new Genestealer cult codex includes a sheet of ‘ambush tokens’ and a 9 inch ruler.
    The art inside is as pretty as it can be. There is no mention of any Xenos hybrids because Eldar, Tau, Kroot and Ork appear to avoid/detect any infected members of their species. So the idea of an Ork/Genestealer hybrid (as terrifying as that could be) is not going to happen … πŸ™




    And I am back. Sliced my finger with a stanley knife. Not with minis, but opening a packet from amazon. Genius right here.


    Picked up an issue of conquest and did a lot of black and red on my Minotaurs yesterday as well as some work on the terrain that comes with conquest. Pic to follow and I will go back over page 2



    More of these to come. The black on some places needs a second coat otherwise I’ll put metal or grey or brown or the like over them




    Cult of Games Member

    @mage : those look cool. I do think the reds need to be a bit brighter to give it a bit of oomph and contrast to the entire thing.
    I’m guessing the eyes are going to get a bit of colour too ?

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