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Why is heroquest the greatest

Home Forums Fantasy Tabletop Game Discussions Why is heroquest the greatest

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This topic contains 16 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  sulphur 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    HQ was the entry into the hobby for me and for many others for sure. Seeing all those amazing painted miniatures from Mike McVey was enough to get me hooked into painting and playing.

    I still remember asking my parents to send away for the painting guide in the U.K and them complaining it cost $10 which was a bit back then I guess.

    Well, I’m still a mad painter and I still love HQ 🙂

    Just wished I remembered what the hell I did with the game and figures…. 🙁



    I still have my copy from 25 years back, which I now play with my kids. Had lost 2 parts of it melcor himself and the dungeon rack which I was able to replace from eBay.

    One afternoon couple of years back I was in a charity shop north london and found a copy open but unused ,price £3.50. Result. This game got me into the hobby and is a classic

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