Bolster Your Godslayer Forces With Megalith Games

November 22, 2012 by brennon

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Megalith Games are helping you bolster your Godslayer forces with a release for the different basic troop choices across the factions. Now you can expand your starter set into a larger army!

Banebrood - Maldire Mongrels

Halodynes - Hoplites

Mortans - Legionnaires

Nordgaard - Fjell Warriors

Troglodytes - Ironhide Brutes

Wyldfolk of Annyr - Bladeslingers

Above are just some of the models that make up the basic infantry in Godslayer, and they all look pretty awesome. I certainly need to get myself in gear with this game and order some models! A Nordgaard army needs to be made!

Grab them all from the Mail Order section of the Megalith website.

What do you think to these fellows?

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