Bolt Action: Western Desert Boot Camp Live Blog - Sunday

Boot Camp Gong - Overkill
Time for another Boot Camp Gong and this time it’s the Overkill award that has been scored!
Christian secured himself the prize when his medium mortar dropped a round right on the head of the enemy HQ.
Tell me the Monkey made his saving roll at least!!!!!!!!
Who needs sniper teams, when you have mortars?
Is it only me that can never hit anything when using a mortar? 🙂
Nope, mine are rubbish too
I’ve hit once, never killed anything though
Call me old fashioned but running round in the battle wearing a you finest shiny silver suit doesn’t seem like the most sensible things to be doing.
“Say, whats that whistling sound?”
The only way to have made this even more over kill would have been to of used an 88.
might as well > gong > lol 😀
I love mortars in BA. I rarely seem to score a bull’s eye, but every so often it comes off and when it does, it reminds my opponents they should have kept running when the mortars started falling!
That doesn’t sound like overkill
Go to love a good mortar team!! Nice work?
It gives you such a nice feeling, when you hit with thos mortars on the 6.
a mortar round to the head is a very ugly way to die jaja
Yes, please tell us about the monkey! Is he safe!
wait is tht not made john cry too?
in the middle of tea time as well.
Well he probably didn’t feel it at least.
Haha, hey man… nice shot.
Dirty Germans, clearly the 2LT was just having a nice cup of tea.
Mortars are so sneaky