Team Yankee Boot Camp Live Blog: Friday

Soundtrack For The Weekend - Team Yankee Playlist
If you're going to playing Team Yankee then you need a good soundtrack. With that in mind we have the first of our entries into the playlist of awesomeness. Iron Maiden with Two Minutes To Midnight!
Comment below with suggestions for what other songs we should include in the playlist and you'll get a mention on the Live Blog!
Tears for Fears – Everybody wants to rule the world
The entire Rocky IV soundtrack…
“Two worlds collide
Rival nations
It’s a primitive clash
Venting years of frustrations
Bravely we hope
Against all hope
There is so much at stake
Seems our freedom’s up
Against the ropes
Does the crowd understand?
Is it East versus West
Or man against man
Can any nation stand alone?”
That’s me no good for the next half an hour. With luck I’ll resist the temptation to chop down the tree in the back yard.
Whilst everyone is putting their stuff together, grab some footage, turn it into a montage, and set it to the Training Montage music. It’s the last one on the soundtrack.
Since the West attacking AC/DC – Highway to Hell
Ozzy-Crazy Train
Ooh Iron Maiden,
Dons spandex and strikes GW hero pose.
99 Luftballoons – Nena
Cult of Personality – Living Colour
Dancing with Tears in my Eyes – Ultravox
Final Countdown – Europe
We Didn’t Start the Fire – Billy Joel
Two Tribes – Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Born in the USA – Bruce Springsteen
It’s the End of the World as we know it – REM
Dangerzone – Kenny Logins (I can’t stress how crucial this one is)
You’re the Best – Joe Esposito
Eye of the Tiger – Survivor
I just listened to this to see if it worked – now I feel like I want to fist-fight a Sherman. Boo-Yah!
+1,000,000 for dangerzone and europe
Back in Black by AC/DC (or really anything by AC/DC) is a great soundtrack for mini-wargaming.
+1 Vote for Back in Black.
Prodigy – Invaders Must Die!
+1 vote for Invaders must die!
Megadeth – Set the world afire
Nuclear Assault – Critical mass
Metallica – Fight Fire with Fire
Carnivore – WWIII & IV
Yup all thrash, all based on nuclear warfare, but seeing as that was the genre most defined by the prospect of a not so cold war seems fitting \m/. 😀 .\m/
And how could i forget:
Oh and possibly the greatest thin lizzy cover ever:
According to my husband it has to be AC/DC Thunderstruck……Watch the video and you will agree!
He turns to me and says ” There is only one song that fits…guess” I start thinking of 80’s songs so I blurt out “Frankie goes to Hollywood – War? ” His facial expression was priceless. I was dead
“Sabbaton – Panzer battalion” is allways on my playlist when I play FOW or any other tank related game 😀 Lots of cool videos with real tank footage on youtube and this song in the background too.
SLAYER – War Ensamble
I played Tour of Duty today with Wagner and Tchaikovsky in the background. Made the game much more cinematic. Music is a great way to enhance your games. You know you want to get some Beastie Boys in there!
Stiff Little Fingers – Tin Soldiers & Barbed wire love
Motörhead – Ace of Spades & Bomber
99 Red Balloons!
The Clash – Ivan Meets G.I. Joe
Red Elvises – Surfing In Siberia
Wagner – Ride of the Valkyries (for any chopper action)
Frankie Goes To Hollywood – Two Tribes
CCCP – American Soviets
Mother Russia – Iron Maiden
Devo – Cold War
Falco – Der Kommissar
The Beatles – Back in the U.S.S.R.
Peter Gabriel – Games Without Frontiers
Ramones – Bonzo Goes to Bitburg
“Weird Al” Yankovic – Christmas At Ground Zero
Midnight Oil – Armistice Day
Just remembered, Metallica’s One.
Loving the Team Yankee playlist (definitely should be a Spotify list).
Would like to suggest Sabaton’s Nuclear Attack and Iron Maiden’s Brighter than a Thousand Suns.
Dire Straits – Money For Nothing
Just watched the Kingsmen opening…
Hell March from the Command and Conquer Red Alert soundtrack
Wow some great music picks lol.
Frank klepaki’s hell march, from command and conquer red alert.
how about a little bit of Saxon -747 (
AC/DC For those about to Rock.
Live and let die
Wild boys
A bit of frankly goes to hollywood