UK Games Expo 2017 Live Blog – Friday

Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition Demo Game
We’ve stopped in with Games Workshop to play through a Demo Game of the new Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition.
This new version of the game and Dark Imperium, that we’re using now, is now available for you to pre-order from the Games Workshop webstore.
Let us know what you think of the key mechanics on display here and if you’re going to be getting into the game.
Really on the fence about this one… I sold off all my armies, but I am looking at the new rules and I am really getting interested in this.
I’m really looking forward to this, even more so now that I’ve seen it played. I will be looking to get the new books and maybe the new starter set, still not sure about that but very tempted.
Justin you need to so make your sacrifices to the dice gods more often as that was some terrible rolling.
I was never keen on the Spacemarines but these new Primaris
Sorry hit the wrong button. The Primaris look much better.
Wow… Need to build an army since mine disappeared at a Con.
Loved the demo, thanks Justin. It seemed to play fast and to hit and save rules were quick to learn. Looks like I’m out a couple hundred bucks, dam you GW!!!.
This guy is great, even though he’s play testing this all day he’s still looked gutted when it was the end 🙂
Really liking this rule, never been into 40k for more than the fluff but this might be the edition for me…
This is so weird. Seeing GW at a convention. Running a demo game. Of a game which doesn’t come out for more than two weeks. And making it look like a fast, fun system with easy to learn rules.
The all new all different GW are slowly winning me back.
I haven’t played this game in years and I’ll admit that I was sort of getting into this UNTIL they got to the close combat phase and you have to roll for a random charge distance. Nope. Sorry done.
Looking forward to 8th.
Thanks guys this was a great video. Thought that the GW fella really did a good job! And Justin’s dice rolls wow… I am really excited to get my hands on this, still 2 weeks to go thats so annoying!!! @chaoshead87 I do understand what you mean, when I first got back into 40k when they implemented the random charge range I thought it was silly and hated it. As time has gone on I have come to like it. Just makes for that nice bit of random for me! Helps me building an overall picture of the game, maybe… Read more »
I can’t believe GW finally got me. I’ve been resisting the pull for over 15 years. And now, alas, they’ve won. I’m preordering the core set tomorrow. May the chaos gods have mercy on my wallet.
Looks interesting
I must say that the Nurgle models look a lot better than the ones in the production shots.
There is less glamour and more rot & disease, which is makes them look as rotten as they should be.
He clearly likes the game, which is always cool to see 😀
They used the same ones from the production shots in the live battle reports on Twitch and they looked loads nicer once you see more angles of them. Probably the bright lighting used for photography making them look flat.
Sounds like it’s time to get the old 40k armies outfrom storage. Not sure which is more impressive, GW on a BoW video or the 8th edition – both great things and definitely due.
I managed to have a go at this at warhammer fest, its really quick in comparrison. I really like these changes
The game looks fast and fluid, I might start looking into 40k again just need to resist getting new models have so many already but they look so good..
Dont Temped me Urghhhhh
Didn’t tell me a whole lot I didn’t allready knew, but it’s great to see GW really getting into contact with the community again.
40K still seems like a bit of an archaic system to me, but if it’s all balanced I might be able to tweek it and get a really enjoyable game out of it, which is nice since I really enjoy the setting and have bucketloads of models I wish to use.
Holy crap, Justin: What have you done that angered the Dice-Gods so?!
Why “archaic”? What do newer systems do differently?
Take all my mon…oh i see that you have already
AGGHHH! No! I can’t drop on more stuff! Those nurgle marines look ace!
I will certainly watch this over the weekend
This has actually impressed me. I’d written off anything GW, but this looks really cool. Hopefully they don’t do what they used to do of akin to space marine Codex, different army, New space marine Codex, another army…
That looks soooo much better!
I quit in 5th Edition.. still have my Blood Angels , the rules seem more streamlined. I may give it a go