Critical Role Strikes Out On Its Own On A New Adventure

June 20, 2018 by brennon

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Matt Mercer, Marisha Ray and Travis Willingham took part in a special video this week as they talked about the future of Critical Role and a new beginning for them in a new studio!

Critical Role

The team, who has managed to bring a whole new crop of people into our weird geeky world, are going to be striving out on their own with a new Youtube Channel, Twitch Channel and more control of their creative content going forward.

This doesn't mean that you won't be able to watch them on Geek & Sundry, however. The show will still be shown as per usual on Thursdays over on the Geek & Sundry Twitch Channel and VODs will be uploaded on Mondays to the Youtube Channel. But, as things progress you will see new content appearing on their own channel...and I would imagine, eventually a switch over to their Twitch once things are settled.

All of the information on the change is included in the video above and over on the announcement piece HERE. It also came at the head of news about more control over the merchandise, like this new Mighty Nein T-Shirt which I now desperately need...

Mighty Nein T-Shirt - Critical Role

Critical Role has been an absolutely amazing watch for me and I explain how much I admire Matt and the rest of the crew for bringing their game and world to the masses to get more people interested in Dungeons & Dragons and role-playing games at large.

If you have never watched their show before, you NEED to give it a go. Campaign One is over, but you can still watch all of it right now. Campaign Two has also very recently begun and it's just as stunning. I have laughed like crazy, and even actually cried (yes, actual tears) during some of the episodes because the characters have been so perfectly portrayed and the story woven expertly by Matt.

Honestly, yes I am gushing now...but I can't wait to see what the future holds for Critical Role.

Give them a watch!

"I can't wait to see what the future holds for Critical Role..."

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