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Warmaster Revolution (10mm Fantasy) - Ogres & Lizardmen

Warmaster Revolution (10mm Fantasy) - Ogres & Lizardmen

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Goblins - Fabric & Skin Brushwork

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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In this post I detail how I did the brushwork for the goblins’ clothing and also the final skin highlights.  For the cloth, the highlights were overbrushed (wet drybrush) with an old, rough, brush followed by a ghost tint with a soft detail brush.  The skin highlights were applied the usual way with detail brush.  This method gave the best balance between quality results and a reasonable amount of speed.  Even with this in mind, the progress below still took two long painting sessions to complete.

It’ll be a couple weeks until I post any additional progress.  I’m picking up some overtime at work and the pace of brushwork is relatively slow.

As always, details are in the captions.

Goblin Clothing - Basecoat with Vallejo Model Color German GreyGoblin Clothing - Basecoat with Vallejo Model Color German Grey
Goblin Clothing - Highlight by adding Vallejo Game Color Sombre Grey to the German GreyGoblin Clothing - Highlight by adding Vallejo Game Color Sombre Grey to the German Grey
Goblin Clothing - Highlight by adding Vallejo Game Color Wolf Grey to the Sombre Grey & German Grey.Goblin Clothing - Highlight by adding Vallejo Game Color Wolf Grey to the Sombre Grey & German Grey.
Ghost Tint - Oil Discharge applied in two thin coats.  I diluted the ghost tint heavily with water & flo-aid and airbrush thinner.  The airbrush thinner kept the ghost tint thin while adding binders so that it didn't break up on the surface of the model.Ghost Tint - Oil Discharge applied in two thin coats. I diluted the ghost tint heavily with water & flo-aid and airbrush thinner. The airbrush thinner kept the ghost tint thin while adding binders so that it didn't break up on the surface of the model.
Skin - Highlight with Minitaire Orc Complexion with final highlights done with Minitaire Gremlin Green.Skin - Highlight with Minitaire Orc Complexion with final highlights done with Minitaire Gremlin Green.

More to come when I have time to paint again.  C&C always welcome.

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