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Vanguard/KoW: Modelling for both systems- A Beardragon14 debacle

Vanguard/KoW: Modelling for both systems- A Beardragon14 debacle

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The Kickstarter Loot

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Idea 6
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This is going to be out of chronological order. My Vanguard/KoW project actually started around 7 months ago with the release of Mantic’s Beta Rules for Vanguard. As I know many of you just want to see the loot from the Kickstarter I will start with that. Indeed one gentleman that I hold in high esteem just wants to sniff the screen. Far be it from me to deny him ;-).



As you can see everything is As you can see everything is "baggied up " nicely. Each faction comes in it's own baggie with a box on resin minis inside. I am a veteran of many Mantic Kickstarters and they have really outdone themselves with the organisation in this one, I didn't have to paw though loose sprues in the box nor open every packet to find what I wanted.
I opened to Basilean Baggie just to show what you get inside. every thing is nicely arranged. I had a good look at the Basilean Man-at-arms sprue, (this will be the first thing I paint from this box) and they look great. I got on board with Mantic in the first KoW kickstarter many years ago. I still remember how disappointed I was after putting the original Men-at-arms minis together (breakdancing boy I am looking at you) These are lovely I can't wait.I opened to Basilean Baggie just to show what you get inside. every thing is nicely arranged. I had a good look at the Basilean Man-at-arms sprue, (this will be the first thing I paint from this box) and they look great. I got on board with Mantic in the first KoW kickstarter many years ago. I still remember how disappointed I was after putting the original Men-at-arms minis together (breakdancing boy I am looking at you) These are lovely I can't wait.
You get a card for every model in your unit , this is the Man-at-arms one (I am a trifle obsessed) ... sadly the art features the original man-at-arms minis but I can live with itYou get a card for every model in your unit , this is the Man-at-arms one (I am a trifle obsessed) ... sadly the art features the original man-at-arms minis but I can live with it

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I love the smell of minis in the morning, smells like…victory

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