Random Acts of Kindness
Flanking fire
So @evilstu messaged me two weeks ago… he wanted to ship something to me.
it’s nothing venomous… Just a supply drop
That was the point I really got excited… something non-venomous from Australia.
I thought I’d send across some printed bits and pieces
So I’d thought some small parts. Like things that would fit into a padded envelope. Boy was I wrong.
Today the parcel arrived. A bit dented…. and rattling like a loose set of LEGO bricks… oh oh.
This could be interesting…. but, all is well. Nothing broke or bent. But look at that supply drop!
DUDE! (@evilstu) You’re a full on Looney! I’m really thankfull for all that terrain and the bits and bobs. That must have taken hours. (@warzan you’re seeing this, yes? ;))
Thanks again.
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