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Shadespire journey continued  (Spring Clean)

Shadespire journey continued (Spring Clean)

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Tefk Flamebearer. ?

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 4
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Tefk Flamebearer. ?

Got Tefk in the photo booth after a tidy up of some details.

Happy and probably won’t tamper with him any more.

Looking forward to taking this scheme to the other models.

Might choose different colours for the loin cloth to make them easier to tell apart when playing the game. In fact I will see if I can add the name to the bevelled base without it looking rubbish.

Tefk Flamebearer. ?
Tefk Flamebearer. ?
Tefk Flamebearer. ?
Tefk Flamebearer. ?
Tefk Flamebearer. ?

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