Brush With Death 2019 Entry
Long Time No Update! - The Minis
I had a schedule for this diorama. One item not on the schedule was a nasty case of tonsillitis, but it forced itself in there anyways. Bye bye, Week 2 of April. About the only progress I managed was the post below (switching pink graffiti paint to blue).
However, after a week of bedrest, 10 days nomming penicillin, and a few days eating solid food, I was back at it in a big way!
I planned to have the dwarf in strong OSL, so I started with the face and worked my way down onto the arm extending into the light. Colours used include the Reaper Fair Skin paint triad as well as Reaper Carnage Red.
I essentially followed the lines laid out by my zenithal priming by blending everything down into dark browns, then black. Then I began painting the dwarf and his faithful hound from the opposite direction, using Reaper Regal Purple, Vallejo Prussian Blue (my newest paint), and Citadel Lothern Blue to achieve the glowing shadow effect above.
While the dwarf took me around three painting sessions (plus numerous adjustments – you’ll notice the highlight on the dog’s right hip shift between this post and the next), the goblin was done in two hours! By far my fastest paint job so far. I love this glowing shadow effect – it’s fast and gives a nice effect.
With the miniatures done, it was now time to face the great unknown: resin water effects.
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