House Water's Winning Star Wars Scenario
The Flight of the Emperor
Scenario 2 is a simple chase game, The Emperor starts on the overhead walkway with one squad of Imperial guard 27″ away from his Lambda class shuttle.
He will reach it in 4.5 turns of full movement. If he reaches the landing ramp of his shuttle the Empire wins, anything else is a Rebel victory. Meaning the Rebels need to force him to waste 4 of his activations during the game to win.
Imperial forces on the ground are made of 6 units of Stormtroopers
Stormtroopers [44]▼
–DLT-19 Stormtrooper [24]
–Stormtrooper [11]
–Targeting Scopes [4]
–Smoke Grenades [6]
Rebels may pick 800 from any of the units used in the previous scenario.
Only the Emperor and his Imperial Guard deploy on the walkway, everyone else is on ground level.
The Defender deploys first with their whole force
The Attacker may use any of the forward spawn points to deploy from using Rapid Reinforcement rules. If they held the objective at the end of the first scenario they deploy without any additional affects. If they deploy from an objective they did not secure they will gain supression tokens. 1 supression for using A or B, and 2 supression tokens for using areas C or D.
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