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366 in 2020 - A Hobby Pledge (NSFW)

366 in 2020 - A Hobby Pledge (NSFW)

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From small beginnings... 2/366

Tutoring 6
Skill 10
Idea 10

I’ve started with something old and something new.  The new thing is an MDF Renedra wagon which came as part of my Rorke’s Drift set from Warlord.  I went for a sun-bleached shades of grey look using Vallejo paints from their “Old and New Wood Effects Set” which I would certainly recommend for either sort of wood.

The flock of sheep are resin and from 1st Corps and are 28mm scale.  I see them being used in lots of Ancient and Dark Age games but will add a bit of flavour to any quiet corner on the battlefield.  Easy paint job with some thinned Skeleton Bone Contrast paint over a bleached bone base coat and then progressively dry brushed back up to near white on the faces and upper highlights.

From small beginnings... 2/366

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Do the sheep count as one or many?

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