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24 years and counting - Spring cleaning challenge

24 years and counting - Spring cleaning challenge

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Starting the Orcs

Tutoring 2
Skill 9
Idea 8
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Thought I would start this project by finishing the Orc warriors, they are not the single pose dudes that came from the set.

I had previously got as far as undercoating them and making putty stone slabs for the bases, rather than stripping the paint and starting again I gave them a good dust and just carried on painting them from where I left off.

I am painting these green fellows as a homage to my first space ork army that used to loot and pillage the universe in their fine yellow trousers and red shirts with bright goblin green skin. 90s colour schemes were cool if a little on the bright  side.

I gave contrast paint for the leather boots and pouches it makes things a lot faster. They are not lying when they say one thick coat you can splash it on and it highlights its self.

The Orc boys getting ready for dust and a fresh coat of paintThe Orc boys getting ready for dust and a fresh coat of paint
Orc boyz off looting in swish new clothes swinging there big choppas.Orc boyz off looting in swish new clothes swinging there big choppas.
Starting the Orcs

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