My Rangers of Shadow Deep Project by thedace
A ranger
I needed a ranger and the other players in the group were asked to find a character that best suited what their ranger is in their mind.
In Shadow Deep your ranger does not automatically have to look like Aragorn.
You could just as easily have a spellcaster as a Brute wielding an axe. Also there is nothing to stop you taking a traditional looking ranger.
So, I was in my local games store and on the shelf he had a number of blisters of D&D characters (2 per pack) “Nolzurs Marvellous Miniatures”
At £5.00 for the 2 pre primed minis I thought “why not”
I decided upon the elf mage pack as pictured above as I thought the chap to the right would make a great looking magic using ranger.
The quality of the minis were ok for what is £2.50 each, there is however a little bit of bend in the staff.
A bit of paint was needed next and here is the finished product.
I’m afraid there are no WiP shots as I got the model painted quite quickly.
Happy with the end result of a magic using ranger.
I think his magical flame came out well and this was done with various shades of green wash and inks.
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