Lothar’s Expendables
Preparing for Scenario 2: Spider cocoons 3
The last step is to mix up some UHU glue with white ink or paint. I prefer ink as it is more intense and used liquitex titanium white. Wait15 – 20 mins until the glue/ink mix is stringy and then use a cocktail stick to dob a blob on and stretch it from the centre of the egg to the base. This is where I think using a rectangular base was accidentally better than a round base – as some of the strings end up longer than others and you get what I think is a more pleasing effect.
Lastly I used just a few strands of halloween spiders webbing to cover the outside of the egg too give a wispy effect. I waited c ten minutes for the UHU to stiffen before just draping the webbing onto the egg. It sticks like crazy to anything so you don’t need to do too much to make it stay on.
One down four more to go
Edit: Top Tip – only make up enough white UHU gunk for one cocoon at a time. Getting it all on and looking good took longer than I thought and it was getting too firm by the end. If I had tried to do more than one I think it would less successful.
This is awesome! A question: when you say UHU glue, what kind of glue is it? I’m only familiar with the glue-stick style from that brand here in Oz.
It is UHU All Purpose Adhesive containing methyl acetate. I found it on amazon here
Hopefully enough info on that page to track it down in Australia.
BigW in Oz stocks it
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