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US Marines at Saipan

US Marines at Saipan

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Spetsnaz in Afghanistan 1985: Video Game Replay

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11

Good morning, everyone!  Here is the replay video for yesterday’s wargame between myself and @rasmus.  He took the Russian Spetsnaz commandos (411th Special Operations Detachment, 22nd Special Service Brigade / GRU, 40th Combined Arms Army) against my swarm of mujahadeen.

With some fun gameplay, light skirmish system, a little smidge of historical commentary, and some Russian radio chatter with battle sound effects and helicopters, might make for a fun background listen while working on hobby.

Hope you enjoy it.

And if anyone ever wants to be “part of the show” and play one of these games with us on line, we run historical wargames every Sunday.  You can reach out to us on the Sitrep Discord and see if any of our games catch your interest!


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oriskanyfourpipers Recent comment authors
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Really enjoyed your replay. Would like to play as a table top game. Are the rules you used available ?

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