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Bot War Painting Challenge 2021 - Atlanticans Rising

Bot War Painting Challenge 2021 - Atlanticans Rising

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Day 20...

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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The finish line?

Not quite. Despite 20 days of consecutive painting, the wonders of a calendar means that to finish in the 30th will actually be 21 days of painting, so there’s a bonus day.

However, that will be minimal painting, a couple of touch ups and gluing to bases before a final photo shoot.

The start of the end for LeviathanThe start of the end for Leviathan

To finish off Leviathan I had a number of things to achieve, and to be honest, as with many of the days during this challenge I took a little bit longer than 30 minutes.

In fact I did about 4 hours work, but then I had a lot to do:

  • Edge highlight the grey
  • Edge highlight the armour
  • Paint the tyres
  • Highlight and blend the yellow
  • Paint the weapons and metals
  • Paint the eyes
  • More blacklining and tidying

And I achieved the vast majority of this. All of my previous workups went into this model, and whilst he’s not perfect, there’s still some touching up and tidying to do. I’m pretty happy with the result.

I will sum up some lessons learnt in my final project post but for now Leviathan is in an 95% complete state, which I’m content with.

So close to completionSo close to completion

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