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Collins Does Star Wars Legion

Collins Does Star Wars Legion

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Rall Shif

Wherever there is conflict you will be able to find the warlike Trandoshans. Their species have the ability to regrow limbs which is a handy trick to have when your normal profession is somewhat dangerous. Rall has regrown a number of fingers in his time, mostly due to the appalling throw that Vi-dar has. Due to cultural differences Rall is not allowed anywhere near the landspeeder owned by Eirtaé, the less said about that the better but Rall has vowed to not walk everywhere in the near future.

Darred Lown

Dugs come from the planet Malastare and Darred is constantly been mistaken from a lier and dangerous cheat from the illegal racing circuit. Something he laments on a daily basis and when wound up by his squad mates becomes quite punchy. Olum hasn’t become brave enough to join in with this tomfoolery but it is only a matter of time before the Rodian figures out whether the Dug hits harder with his hands or his feet.

Flirry Mingla

When you need to enforce something or bring freedom to the galaxy you better be sure to bring an Aqualish with a really big gun. Flirry is a big powerful individual and regularly breaks up the infighting in the squad when it gets out of hand. When he gets up people tend to sit down, a lesson the Imperials really should learn.

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