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Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

Quarantine 37 - Stargrave

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Encounters Table - Aliens

Tutoring 6
Skill 5
Idea 6
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Drone bugsDrone bugs
Acid SpittersAcid Spitters
Warriors (not Tyranids)Warriors (not Tyranids)
Lloyd shotLloyd shot

There’s “Tabletop Ready” and there’s “Encounter Table-top Ready”.

I am happy with these even though they are not my best work. Not sure whether some will even see the table because beyond the odd scenario there’s no guarantee they will all be needed.

The warriors don’t look out of place with the rest of the “Nameless”? minis from StarSaga. They got a red Halfords spray over a bone white spray I had already used to prime them. I had a Lost Patrol scheme in mind, but I really don’t know how likely I am to complete that or play that. Far less likely than playing Stargrave. They then got the Dark Contrast Shyish Purple over everything but the head, but I brushed it thinnest over the arms. Then the army got a Fleshtearer Red Contrast over the arms and a Vallejo Royal Purple drybrush over the bone looking torso and back. The face is mostly Bugman’s Glow and Reikland Fleshshade wash, with dots of a Bugman’s Glow dappled across the back of the head afterwards. The claws are a Zandri Dust base with a Wraithbone highlight.

The acid spitters are fun. The “spit” is just the swarf from drilling into bits of sprue with my pin vice during some terrain building. Then coated with PVA and Nurgle’s Rot to give the slime acid effect.


The QueenThe Queen
Looks a bit more like a king, but I am not one to judgeLooks a bit more like a king, but I am not one to judge
Bit more Bugman's Glow on the tentacles, but otherwise the same paint scheme as others.Bit more Bugman's Glow on the tentacles, but otherwise the same paint scheme as others.

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