Warhammer Quest D&D
Campaign I: The Search for the Shattered Amulet
When the Great Powers war, the world trembles. Four thousand years ago, in the lands on the Tilean seaboard stood one of the earliest Kingdoms of Man. Though the capital of its kings at Remas was a wonder of its age, the Reman Empire was barbarous and insecure.
The Blood God Khorne whispered into the ears of his followers, and they slid into the Empire’s heart like a stiletto. They brought false advice, illicit witness, assassination, corruption, and conceit to the government of Emperor Giovanni. Their foul cults spread upon the land, displacing those Powers of Hearth and Sky who had served the simple people for centuries. Finally, Khorne spoke again, and there was war.
From the heavens, Solkan, the Avenger, saw the predations of Knorne. Though he cared little for man, Solkan revered the temple in his name that stood in Remas. When he heard the screams of his dying priests as Remas burned to the ground, Solkan sent forth his champion, Thanotos the Pure, magnificent in the armour of blazing silver. Before him came Fernadrang, General of Khorne’s armies, a misshapen and corrupted Ogre. Fernadrang’s axe spat hot blood, and a tongue slithered from its haft to lick the blades. Thanotos wielded a silver scythe, and many who watched the battle were cut down by its blade. They fought for hours. So great was the hand of Khorne on Fernadrang that not even Thanotos could strike him down. And, for a moment, the Great Scythe stuck, spitted upon such a weight of bodies that Thanotos could not lift it. Fernadrang struck, a blow aimed mightily at the chest of Thanotos.
But it did not slay him. The Sword of Fire hit an Amulet that Solkan had gifted to Thanotos, breaking it into four pieces that flew off over the horizon. And Solkan was then avenged upon Fernadrang and gutted him from pelvis to larynx so that all the pestilence inside him was released to consume the corpse. Thus, ended that war between Solkan and Khorne.
All this have I divined by my research. I am also aware that the rat-like Skaven seek my shard of the Amulet. Why do they want an artefact of Law? Perhaps they seek to prevent it being used against the Chaos Powers they serve. Who can know what motives pass through such alien minds? I have heard it said that they fear it will be wielded against the Demon-General Praznagar when he returns. Whatever their true purpose must be terrible.
Of one thing I am certain: they seek my fragment with a will. Three times my spells have repulsed attacks by Warriors of Clan Mors. They have forced me to employ bodyguards, summon my former apprentice and move from Parravon to a fortified tower. Despite the discomfort, I am confident that I have now placed the Amulet beyond the reach of the Skaven.
– Last entry in the journal of Jervais the Revered in the year 2412.
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