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Bot War - Mercenaries

Bot War - Mercenaries

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Day 5 - Dragline

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Today I focused on Dragline. As with Blockade I took this model to around 80% finished and will refine once all bits are finished.

I used the same P3 paints as before and got some more practice in with how best to apply them. They’re a pretty solid triad, and the final edge also works well. I did find the Sewer Water stained a bit more this time so I need to watch out for that. I did also struggle with some of the moulding in the mini, metal isn’t my favourite material, and there are some parts which lack the crisp definition of resin.

Overall though I’m really haply with the scheme and where its going, as you cna see in the shot of Dragline and Blockade there is a good consistency with the scheme. Hopefully I can make it work across the rest of the bots.

Dragline & Blockade, brothers in armsDragline & Blockade, brothers in arms

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