Robin paints Genestealer Cults
Are you ever truly ever finished?!
Are models ever truly finished?! I wanted my Jungle theme to appear more jungley so some colour plants have been added to the mix. I asked the sage advice of Justin and Shay to see what plants they thought I should add! I settled on some Citadel Barbed braken and some flock.
I do want them to look busy; the cult has just risen up in a jungle world and haven’t had time to clear a decent path before their incursion from the shadows! Paint mixes shown in the following photos!
I added Reikland fleshade to the purple
I added Agrax Earthshade to the brown
Space wolves contrast to the dark green
Dark angels constraint to the green before varnishing
I’m very happy with the end result as stated before I want the bases to the busy!
The biggest challenge in this paint job was my my airbrush getting blocked and after a very disappointing evening working away at it I managed to finally get it working! I think it was dried paint blocking nozzle. I definitely think I could take apart my airbrush blindfolded now.
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