Silver Sea Dogs
Aztecs and Amazonian Natives plus Mythology
Now if your wondering, I haven’t forgotten the above just waiting for the Aztecs to arrive at Asgard.
When I collected them Found a box of Ghost Archipelago, Savages which will be Amazon tribesmen.
For those Historical Grognards who are wondering that Aztecs had been pretty much wiped out by the time of the Sea Dogs you are right, as far as we know. Also as the game is based on Silver Bayonet and the arrival of Gothic Horror, if we move that to Mezo America, you have the option of not only the horrors which have travelled over from the Old World but the new Myths and creatures of the New World.
So the idea of a handful of Aztecs holding out In the Jungles and Rainforests is not so far fetched, Currently we have to o ly look at the Sky History of ‘The Search for Aztec Gold’ to get the idea that some Aztecs escaped to hide goodies . Recently I remember disputed archaeological finds of a Aztec/Mayan human Sacrifice culture that sprung up in Arizona to disappear suddenly. The major controversial part was from native American Historians I think horrified by the thought of human sacrifice in Nort America, but it would actually be a noble story if this culture was from Mezo America and I wondered if the Horrified Tribes of New Mexico , Arizona such as Apache wiped them But if some Aztecs moved south into the partly abandoned Mayan territory, plus you have the Mayans themselves who held out till the 17th Century when their last Independent City fell. The Incas who were not found till 20 years after the fall of the Aztecs and held in hidden Jungle city that held out tfor a further 30 years and beat the Spanish more than once in battle.
So there is a lot of scope, with the Ghost Archipelago Tribals I intend to build parties of Amazonian tribesmen, who can be scouts or adversaries.
The Inca were actually fighting a war if expansion ( which wasn’t going well) into the Amazon Bason. A natio an age ahead of both the Mayans and Aztecs for they were bronze not stone age.
On top of this we have the plethora of actual natural Beasties that are trying to kill and Eat the various parties all of the time…some may have mutated into Giants as in Big Spiders and naturally Ants.
MesoAmerican Mythology
Now as the Silver Bayonet is very much Napoloenic Troops fighting things that men are not to know then we will need to add this aspect to the Elizabethan period, if anything the various combatants would even have more phobias and fears of the unknown than their Napoleonic Bretheren.
The Europeans would have brought over their own myths and monsters and in addition would have begun to pick up the myths and monsters from Mezo-American culture with the even bigger fear of pagan and unnatural (to Europeans) religions .
I had a drr moment with this, thinking its a European thing………were are Vampire bats found………
Its just we think its from Europe
to quote as source on google Alexansdra Paleaaz
The Aztecs’ chief god was Huitzilopochtli, also known as the Hummingbird Wizard. They believed Huitzilopochtli constantly warred with the other gods in order to keep the Aztecs safe. He needed constant nourishment in order to keep fighting and his preferred choice of food was—human blood. To keep him fed the Aztecs waged war constantly and sacrificed tens of thousands of people every year, mostly prisoners of war. The preferred method of sacrifice was cutting out the heart, which Huitzilopochtli was said to have favored as much as blood. Even earlier than the Aztecs were the Toltecs who sacrificed countless people, including children, to placate the god Tezcatlipoca. Tezcatlipoca is the primary villain in Evanescence and the father of the vampire race. According to the myths, he too has a great thirst for human blood and is the ruler of the night. When conducting religious rituals for the gods, the Aztec priests adorned their bodies with black paint, matted their hair with the sacrificial victim’s blood, and also filed their teeth to sharp points. Vampire much?
Were Animals
Not totally sure on this ,one apparently they do appear in mexo american mythology , and a google search for Jaguar and Wolf Warriors did bring up illustrastions of each, very possibly skin walker type creatures.
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