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The Brotherhood of Venice

The Brotherhood of Venice

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2. Brutes

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Progressing further along with the basic enemies, today it’s the Brutes.  Brutes are pretty much what their name suggests;  tall, very heavily built men in heavy armour wielding heavy weapons – in this case an axe.  While not particularly nimble (you won’t find these guys following you up the side of a building as you flee), if they land a hit on you, you know about it.  Even if your armour is enough to take the sting out of it, you will end up on your backside.

Because these guys have a much higher portion of metal armour compared to the previous models, these were painted differently with a focus on the metal and any colours being used almost as spot colours. One thing I have found with metallics is that they tend to respond very well to drybrusing and you can get some very nice results, very quickly, using washes and drybrushing

They were first primed using leadbelcher, which I am not really a fan of as it seems to have a slightly brown tinge to it out of the can.  However it was the only silver spray I had available.  Step two was to drybrush it with a light steel, I use Natural Steel from AK Interactive (if you haven’t tried them, AK Interactive metallics are very, very good).  Then, to provide some shade, I mixed Nuln Oil with Drakenhof Nightshade roughly 50:50 and washed the entire model.  The final step was to give it a final highlight, drybrushing a silver colour – again I used Silver from AK Interactive.  And that was it, the bulk of the work was done

2. Brutes

The next step was very simply to rebase all of the non-metal parts of the model so that I could use speed paints.  To dull it down a little, I actually used a light grey rather than white – I went with Ash Grey from Army painter.  As with the previous sets, I split these down the middle with half being painted as Venetians and half being painted as Borgia.

Up next are the cavalry, which were featured in Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, a sequel to the ACII game.  I have already started them but because I am trying to put in-progress shots into the project entries, it can sometimes take a bit longer to paint the models and get the photos together.  They may be finished tonight or they may be finished tomorrow, watch this space

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