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Ballroom Blitz

Ballroom Blitz

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Building the Ballroom for The Blitz

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Sorry for taking so long to get back to this one, Gerry!

Anyway, today, I dragged out this project from its dusty shelf in the store room at work, and got back on it. I decided I wanted a grand flight of stairs leading into the ballroom for the Beast to stand on looking all impressive and stuff.

I had a rummage through the bits boxes, and came up with a nice sheet of thick cork tile. Happy with my find, I set it one side and went a-burrowing again. This time, I found some old wooden castle walls that never actually saw a terrain board since I bought the damn things. That’s the ballroom walls sorted, then.

I played around until I found a position I liked (ooh-err missus), and then set about measuring the gap to cut the cork to size. I wanted at least the first few steps to be usable terrain, so I made sure the treads were large enough  to accommodate the base of a mini. I curved the fronts to make an interesting shape, and cut two for each step to make them tall enough when glued together.

Building the Ballroom for The Blitz
Building the Ballroom for The Blitz

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