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Diving into D&D

Diving into D&D

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We are still going ....

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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So this all started in 2018… after nearly 5 years we are still going as a group. It was my intention to keeep track of the adventures here, but well you know life the universe and everything.

So after many chapters and serveral story arcs which has seen the death of 4 characters, and recently the resurrection of one… the party of brave adventurers are currently in a desert hunting down 5 star gems inorder to save the world 9so they think). They have just come out of a dungeon that they have spent nearly 8 months (real time) getting lost in.however they now have 3 of the 5 gems that they seek.

The gaming group has changed and developed over time, I am no longer the sole DM as Andrew ( Brucelee) has taken on the mantle of DMing which has given me a chance to play in an alternative story line and also a chance to get a breather from sorting out the adventure every week.

During our time we have also visited Coleraine twice to hold two face to face sessions in a AIR BNB that is basically father teds house these have been an absolute blast. Hopefully we will have more to come.

Anyway I will try and add more to this project as I have plans to take the DMing to another level, but will not say much about this until I know for sure what I will be doing.

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