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Last Hope Frontier

Last Hope Frontier

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Order Mechanics Entry 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Determining first turn play would be high card draw, aces high, jokers auto go first. Any draws pulled, favoured suit breaks ties. Drawn with both favoured suits equals a redraw. 

Players have eight cards in hand (some tactical mitigation) on a players turn. Have to play cards in opposing tests in a ‘I go/ you go’ fashion. 

seven cards minimum have to be spent in a turn. Being first player on a turn means you can conduct first movement, first shooting or combat and other actions in priority. This does mean that making a choice as to who to shoot/combat with needs to be made. 

Each phase of a round is ‘i go/ you go’ play method, model by model to represent the chaos of a shoot out situation 

End of turn, each player will have played seven cards and the player with the best hand of five cards out of the seven played (ascending order of priority in poker) will then get priority next turn, so even a hand of low value cards could get priority (ie, a pair of 2’s beats an ace high). Players can choose to ditch the eighth card in hand and draw eight or keep it and draw seven. If players use their ‘eighth card’ leader action, one of the two cards goes into the discard pile after being used and cannot be used in determining initiative. Eight cards are drawn to form new hand of cards. 

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