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6mm Napoleonic (& others) Terrain

6mm Napoleonic (& others) Terrain

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Back from holiday - what about forests?

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
1 Comment

So, my unexpected 10day holiday is over and I have had time to have a dry run at making a forest/wood terrain feature. My concept is the 10,000 ft view (imagine the view when coming in to land from an airplane) as the army bases will not usually be able to traverse them, but if they do the wood can be removed to show the green felt undergrowth.

I will present the steps in the individual pictures that follow. Again, I’m not claiming anything particularly new here, but the challenge was a good catalyst for me to get off my posterior and do something!

The foliage/trees are home made, using the approach by “The Terrain Guy’ and “Geek gaming” videos in the past. Basically sponge put through a blender – I used a “nutri-bullet’ and then squeezed out and added to a mixture of PvA and a suitable green acrylic paint.

The are attached to the forrest “forma” also with PvA, although hot glue is a good alternative.

The construction is simply a foam core forrest The construction is simply a foam core forrest "shape" glued to a suitable insulation foam base.
Once dry, I painted it with a brown acrylic. If you can get a black foam core, this would eliminate this step.Once dry, I painted it with a brown acrylic. If you can get a black foam core, this would eliminate this step.
When the paint was dried, I coated the surface with PvA glue. Again this could be done with a hot glue gun, but then the application of the tree form would be slower.When the paint was dried, I coated the surface with PvA glue. Again this could be done with a hot glue gun, but then the application of the tree form would be slower.
Applying the tree foliage Applying the tree foliage
Once dried off, additional foliage can be added to the sides of the foam core. I'll do this later.Once dried off, additional foliage can be added to the sides of the foam core. I'll do this later.
A couple of pieces with the town bases. A couple of pieces with the town bases.

Still to do is to maybe dry brush a light green or yellow to the treetops and add some more foliage to the sides of the foam core.  I need to make some more of the sponge greenery.

I should finish with 2 x large town bases; 3 x small town bases; 8 x Forrest bases.

Happy gaming


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Cult of Games Member

I really love this project and I how you place in the Terrain Challenge.

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