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I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - De Bellis Antiquitatis edition

I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - De Bellis Antiquitatis edition

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Washing and Basing

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Sitting on it over night I found that the Strong Tone was too strong so I moved to Soft Tone and it was exactly the right amount of shade. Time to wash the rest and let them dry.

Washing and Basing

After a time to dry and set I went to work marking out on the bases where I want the models to sit. In DBA the Legionaries are four to a 40x20mm wide base known in the system as a 4Bd unit which means four blades. In my Marian Romans I can have up to eight bases of Blades. the Psoli are two to a 40x20mm base and are known in the system as 2Ps, I can have up to two bases of them. Lastly is the Calvary which is known in the system as Cv and are three to a 40x30mm base. I can have up to three of them. Past me went for my General as a blade unit option. I’ll go into more detail about the full list option when my reinforcements arrive.

Washing and Basing
Washing and Basing

With the placement marked down on the bases I break off the figures from the painting sticks. A dollop of gel super glue to stick the metal to the wood bases. I use the gel stuff as I get better initial sticking and control. I find regular super glue is just too runny and becomes a mess that ends up everywhere.

All attached these already look 10x better than the bare primed figures they started as but there is more work to do. I have some cheap brushes coming in tomorrow to waste on the texture medium and I will slather that on to fill the gaps between the puddle bases of the figures and build up a ground texture. I’ve used it on my Flames of War stuff and love the finished result. I also have some Vallejo grass tufts coming in sometime next week to then finish the bases off. When the Gauls arrive I will have some republican Roman shaped shields come in and I will paint those up and attach those after. I will have to work on other projects until my supplies come in but there is still plenty to finish up here and then stretch goals for the challenge with the extra fielding options, the Gauls, and making some DBA legal sized terrain. Lots to look forward to, until next post happy hobby time everyone!

Washing and Basing

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