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Wealdgeist, Spring Cleaning The Forest

Wealdgeist, Spring Cleaning The Forest

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Nymph & Sprites

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Now we have Melia, the wood nymph and her sprites. As you’ll see below it took a little playing around with various colours of green before I settled on more of an autumn theme.

First an all over coat of Contrast Ork Flesh.First an all over coat of Contrast Ork Flesh.
Then a drybrush of Bright Green.Then a drybrush of Bright Green.
I then painted their patches of hair(?) with Mahogany Brown.I then painted their patches of hair(?) with Mahogany Brown.
I then drybrushed the whole miniature with Plague Brown.I then drybrushed the whole miniature with Plague Brown.
One of the sprites had a sling, which I gave a coat of Snakebite Leather (an excellent colour and reminds me of that paint from back in the 90s).One of the sprites had a sling, which I gave a coat of Snakebite Leather (an excellent colour and reminds me of that paint from back in the 90s).
The wooden weapons and bases were painted just like all the other models in this project. See the earlier entries for details. The miniatures were given a wash of thinned down Agrax Earthshade (by around 50%).The wooden weapons and bases were painted just like all the other models in this project. See the earlier entries for details. The miniatures were given a wash of thinned down Agrax Earthshade (by around 50%).
The miniatures were then drybrushed with Pale Sans.The miniatures were then drybrushed with Pale Sans.
Then the skin was glazed with thinned down Ork Flesh, while the hair was glazed with thinned down Snakebite Leather.Then the skin was glazed with thinned down Ork Flesh, while the hair was glazed with thinned down Snakebite Leather.
Finally the models were drybrushed first with Plague Brown then a mix of Plague Brown and Pale Sand.Finally the models were drybrushed first with Plague Brown then a mix of Plague Brown and Pale Sand.

Not long now until all of the miniatures are painted. I just have the Green Man and three woodland spirits to paint and that will be everything.

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