Games Workshop’s White Dwarf Magazine Is Changing!

January 9, 2014 by brennon

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You might have seen in the News & Rumours forum that White Dwarf from Games Workshop is going to be vanishing to be replaced with something a little different. Well, we've had a dig around and have verified its authenticity and picked up a few extra snippets of information.

White Dwarf Jan 2014

Here is what we know. This is going to be official in the next couple of days and will see White Dwarf changing into...

White Dwarf Weekly

This will be a twenty eight page weekly paper magazine available in trade and retail and will come to around the price of a pot of paint. It will feature new releases, the usual columns and general articles.

Warhammer Visions

Visions takes up the usual monthly slot and will also be in print, not digital. It's heralded to be a nice sexy looking magazine looking at the months releases with plenty of high quality images (this makes us think it's going to be a more collector type thing). Visions should also be in news stands rather than just in-house. The cost comes in at around the same price as the current White Dwarf and is more of a 'collectors piece'.

February is going to see these changes coming into effect and they should be floating around from the 1st. We're glad that they're sticking to the print medium and also making White Dwarf Weekly available through their independent stockists too, it should be a nice boon for them.

A weekly mini-magazine also brings into question the way releases are going to hit. Are we going to see releases weekly rather than monthly in quite a big shift? It certainly makes things more flexible for them.

Original story from Faeit 212.

[@Warzan Says...]

This opens some interesting options and some challenges namely:

1) Gives more flexibility for releasing new products
2) Encourages people to go into the stores more often to pick it up
3) But will be a very big project for GW to manage and deploy, but it will go through their existing distribution setup which is pretty hot.
4) How on earth do they expect to deliver this internationally on a weekly basis I have no idea!

What do you think?

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