Artel W Preview Upcoming Fiery Leaders & Stealthy Scouts

June 18, 2019 by brennon

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Artel W Miniatures has been showing off a few more previews of what is around the corner for those who love their Sci-Fi defenders of humanity and alien invaders in equal measure.

Flaming Drake Prime - Artel W Miniatures

The first miniature is the Flaming Drake Prime here who is going to be leading his Space Elves into combat on the tabletop. You can see him teaching a demon who's boss, about to slice it's head off with that rather deadly looking axe.

If you're looking to get yourself a new Phoenix Lord for your Aeldari army in Warhammer 40,000 I think you've found your Fuegan.

Sneaky Scouts

As well as the new rather epic looking Lord there we also have some previews of their new Scout & Recon Squad which will be popping up soon.

Scout & Recon Squad - Artel W Miniatures

The set will feature a number of different poses, all of which show these soldiers in the middle of sneaky, stealthy operations on the tabletop. These fellows would be a rather good option for a unique looking Kill Team.

Scout & Recon Squad (Alt) - Artel W Miniatures

There's no reason that these soldiers have to be used in Warhammer 40,000 either. I reckon these would also make for a good Near Future squad that is being sent into a hot warzone with a mission to rescue a diplomat or assassinate a local warlord.

What do you make of their new miniatures?

"You can see him teaching a demon who's boss, about to slice it's head off with that rather deadly looking axe..."

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