Pre-Order Imperial Agents Armies For 40K This Weekend
August 5, 2024 by brennon
Games Workshop are going to be taking pre-orders for the new look Imperial Agents for Warhammer 40,000 this weekend. A new Codex, Combat Patrol and more are on the way for those wanting to hunt down and destroy the enemies of The Imperium and The Emperor.
Codex: Imperial Agents // Warhammer 40,000
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Leading the way is the new Warhammer 40,000 Codex: Imperial Agents. This will come in two flavours with both a limited edition version and a standard one as you can see above. There's no change in the contents and inside you'll find Datasheets for your units, special Detachments, lore and more. There will be rules for using Imperial Agents as part of other Imperium armies as well as on their own led by their battle-scarred veterans.
You can also get a pack of Datasheet Cards as well covering all of the different units that you'll be able to field as part of an Imperial Agents army.
Datasheet Cards: Imperial Agents // Warhammer 40,000
I sense that there might be a lot of Space Marines and Astra Militarum collectors who might be getting the new Imperial Agents Codex as a means of bolting on certain units for their army. I'm sure there will be some meta-based way to play but I quite like the creative lore-based ideas that people decide to run with for their armies.
Combat Patrol: Imperial Agents
The new Codex will come with the rules for running the new Combat Patrol for the Imperial Agents. The Inquisitor’s Hand will be one of your entry points into playing as the Imperial Agents on the tabletop.
Combat Patrol: Imperial Agents // Warhammer 40,000
This boxed set comes with A Ministorum Priest with Vindictor alongside six Inquisitorial Agents. You also have the twenty-man Vigilant Squad alongside their Cyber-Mastiffs and two Nuncio-Aquilas to help lay down the law. Capping things off, there is also the Eversor Assassin who will be able to pull your enemies apart from the shadows. Failing that, they'll detonate and take everyone with them.
Imperial Agents Battleforces
The new Inquisitorial Agents release is also matched by a set of three different Battleforces for you to choose from. They cover the three main Ordos of the Inquisition so Malleus, Hereticus and Xenos.
Imperial Agents Battleforce: Ordo Malleus // Warhammer 40,000
Imperial Agents Battleforce: Ordo Hereticus // Warhammer 40,000
Imperial Agents: Battleforce Ordo Xenos // Warhammer 40,000
These sets come with a mixture of different Inquisitorial assets including the Deathwatch, Rogue Traders, Imperial Breachers and more. They are all led by one of the plastic Inquisitor miniatures alongside a host of appropriate back-up for when things go very, very badly.
Whilst the Imperial Agents Codexs is yet to be explored in much detail, I do like that the army is one for the collector and the hobbyist. Because of the nature of force building for the Inquisition, you can pull from all sorts of different places to build your army. You can also have a lot of fun personalising and kitbashing elements of your army to suit the kind of story you want to tell. It feels a lot more open than other armies in Warhammer 40,000.
New & Returning Releases
As well as those larger sets, you can also get your hands on individual models and reboxed teams for use when bolstering your Imperial Agents army.
Deathwatch Captain Artemis // Warhammer 40,000
Deathwatch Captain Artemis has returned from the void and is looking to kick ass and take names. Styled after the original 54mm Inquisitor miniature, Captain Artemis is going to be a great leader option for those wanting to bring the Deathwatch to the tabletop or relive some of those old Inquisitor memories. Maybe in Inq28?
The Ministorum Priest steps down from his pulpit and strides into battle too. The original Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress is now going to be available separately for the first time.
Ministorum Priest // Warhammer 40,000
Last but not least is the Navis Nobilite Navigator. They don't often tread the battlefields of the Grimdark Future but they can sometimes lend their psychic aid to an Inquisitor in their time of need.
Navis Nobilite Navigator // Warhammer 40,000
Once again, the Navis Nobilite Navigator is one of the Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress releases now available separately. Even more plastic is coming back in some fashion with two named Inquisitors back in the fight in the form of Kyria Draxus and Katarinya Greyfax.
Imperial Agents // Warhammer 40,000
As well as those two Inquisitors, you'll also be able to get the Eversor, Culexus, Callidus, and Vindicare Assassins. It's not clear if they will come as one complete set or individually but we'll find out this weekend.
The Inquisitorial Agents will also be making a return without all of the Kill Team bits and bobs...
Inquisitorial Agents // Warhammer 40,000
...and the old Elucidian Starstriders (also from Kill Team) will be coming out as a separate box.
Elucidian Starstriders // Warhammer 40,000
This gives you a great selection of new options for you to pick up and slot into your army if you missed out on them the first time. As mentioned above, I think the charm of the Imperial Agents army is going to be in the diversity of options you have at your disposal and where you take the army both in a hobby and wargaming sense.
Are you going to be picking up these new Imperial Agents?
"You can also have a lot of fun personalising and kitbashing elements of your army to suit the kind of story you want to tell..."
Lots of cool models to pick from in these sets.