Zoom Around On The Watcher’s Pulse Cycle For Wild West Exodus

June 19, 2015 by brennon

Outlaw Miniatures are working on some of the extra vehicles and such for their new factions in Wild West Exodus. The latest piece of concept art focuses on the Pulse Cycle for The Watchers and it looks pretty neat!

Pulse Cycle Concept Art - The Watchers

As you can see this has something of the jetbike about it and while I think it's a good decision to have the rider with some armour protecting him it would also have been cool to see the rider fully too. Maybe there will be some options when it comes to weapons and builds.

While The Watchers aren't the kind of faction you would have thought should be in a game like this it will be interesting to see how they get along with the other factions.

What do you think of it?

"...it will be interesting to see how they get along with the other factions."

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