Aenor Miniatures Welcome An Alien Invasion To Kickstarter

June 8, 2017 by brennon

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Aenor Miniatures has headed to Kickstarter with some rather cute Aliens which have come to invade our planet. Take a look at this project...

Alien Invasion

The collection offers up five different models as you can see here who have tried to blend in with us here on Earth. I particularly like the Scientist and the Pirate!

Inked Metal Miniatures

Each of these models is a metal piece that could be dropped into loads of different games. I like the idea of using them in something akin to 7TV where you have to chase down these pesky aliens with your investigators.

It's a small project with a modest goal and some cool sculpts to show off. So, if this takes your fancy head on over and give them your support.

What do you think?

"I like the idea of using them in something akin to 7TV where you have to chase down these pesky aliens with your investigators..."

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