Games Workshop Unleash The Beasts Of Chaos

August 27, 2018 by dracs

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Games Workshop is letting out their inner beast with a host of new announcements, starting with the new battletome for the Beasts of Chaos in Age of Sigmar.

The Beasts of Chaos represent Chaos at its most wild, a horde of mutated beings charging out of the wilderness to destroy all that is ordered.

"This Battletome deals with more than just the brayherds, it compiles many of the bestial creatures of Chaos into a single unholy tome including Bullgors, Dragon Ogors, Tzaangor and more besides. A Beasts of Chaos force represents the untamed inhuman nature of Chaos is all its glory – a single army, with powerful, overlapping allegiance abilities, magical lores, and spells."

From the look of it, there doesn't appear to be any new models for the army itself yet, which is a shame as the Beasts of Chaos have the potential to feature ever more disturbing and creative sculpts in its ranks.

However, Games Workshop has announced that there will be new faction specific terrain in the form of the Herdstone, as well as new spell effect models.

I'm very excited to see the Beastmen and their allies getting supported for Age of Sigmar. As I said, they have the potential to be one of the most vibrant and interesting armies in the game and I hope that Games Workshop capitalises on this with new miniatures in the future. I feel that some of the existing ones could definitely do with an upgrade, particularly ones like the minotaurs.

The book is set to be released at the end of September.

Warhammer Citadel Opens Its Doors

This weekend past also saw the opening of the Warhammer Citadel store and cafe in America.

The place promises to be a new hub for the hobby in America, playing host to guests such as the Games Workshop design team in the future.

To celebrate the opening, people got their first look at some new minis, starting with the latest Ork vehicle - the Boomdakka Snazzwagon.

This thing looks incredible, you can almost hear the engines roar. The poor gretchin doing the Mad Max hood ornament impression is a particularly nice touch that speaks to where they're getting their inspiration from for these.

Meanwhile, continuing with the earlier bestial theme, we find a Troggoth.

This Troggoth, who will soon be coming to Warhammer Underworlds,  is a very different beasty from the previous examples of its species we have seen. Absolutely covered in sprouting fungi, you do get the feeling that this guy rarely sees the light of day.

It's a welcome update from some of the existing Troggoth models, even if I do have a soft spot for some of them.

Let us know what you think about all these announcements in the comments below.

"[Beasts of Chaos] have the potential to be one of the most vibrant and interesting armies in the game"

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