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Reply To: [Kickstarter] BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!

Home Forums Science Fiction Tabletop Game Discussions [Kickstarter] BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17! Reply To: [Kickstarter] BattleTech: Clan Invasion Kickstarter Coming July 17!



The mechs look great, especially the Mad Cat/T. Wolf. It’s great to see that they are keeping up momentum after the starter boxes came out and are continuing to release great new sculpts. Single mechs would be great, or the Lance boxes that they’ve been doing for Alpha Strike.

At first I thought that Nova looks a bit big for a 50 ton mech; they had the same issue in MechWarrior Online, from where I assume the designs have come. But I think the base sizes look different too, so it’s probably just the way they’ve been added at different scales onto the image.

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