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Reply To: Orktober 2019 WAAAAAGH!

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Orktober 2019 WAAAAAGH! Reply To: Orktober 2019 WAAAAAGH!


Ok everybody, as @woldenspoons has mentioned he has no Orktober project of green goodness. There is a parcel enroute to be delivered at some point if the blasted EU rulings on postage work out easily that will alleviate that problem. We will all stand by to await a progress report of arrival and follow up with real painting.

A change of gears for me as I’ll be putting my ork warboss from last year out for competition. I’m sadly behind with the painting of this years ork but it will be done before the end of Orktober. Commission work comes first since it brings in cash… and maybe changes to other builds on the backburner that caught my fancy for a moment *whistling innocently*. Right, anybody else looking to make some mad grot stompaz or ‘avin’ humie bootin good fun?

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