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Reply To: Hobby Pledges 2020

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Pledges 2020 Reply To: Hobby Pledges 2020


Cult of Games Member

I failed terribly at my 2019 pledges.

so in 2020 i feel i need to sort this out!

  1. Sell minis i don’t use anymore. (anyone need imperial guard bits in various degrees of not complete)
  2. make more terrain. I seem to really enjoy this now
  3. sell my previously made terrain
  4. play some more modern combat games.
  5. paint or sell my star wars legion models that don’t get used as much.

As you can see i’ve come to the realisation that i have too much and not enough time, last year i had more time but in the new year i realise that it is likely to change with a big reduction of available time

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