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Between a lot of real world stuff…finally took the time (and enjoyment) to create my Frankenstein’s Monster mythos character. As this is the very first City of Mist character I’ve ever created, I’m sure I probably missed something.
One thing to note about character creation is that you choose four out of 14 themebooks to build your character. In this case I used the Bastion, Expression, Defining Event, and Defining Relationship themebooks. Before each of the Power Tags and Weakness Tags you will notice a letter. That letter directly corresponds to a lettered question on the themebook so that I can go back to that themebook and see exactly what question that tag answers if need be.
Example: The “H.” question on the Expression themebook is, “What trick shots or special maneuvers can you do with your Expression powers?” To which my answer was, “Make an Exit.” So this tag can be helpful to me when I need a quick getaway.
Name: Peter Vincent Fallworth
Mythos: Frankenstein’s Monster
Logos: Disfigured firefighter turned CSI/Arson SpecialistTheme 1 – CAN’T KEEP A DEAD MAN DOWN (Bastion Mythos)
Mystery – “Am I cursed to live like this forever?”
Power Tags
A. Undead Corpse Body
F. Immune to Electricity
J. Intimidation
A. Sewn-together bodyTheme 2 – MONSTROUS STRENGTH (Expression Mythos)
Mystery – “Are these the hands of a killer?”
Power Tags
A. Inhuman Strength
G. Unstoppable Stamina
H. Make an Exit
C. Don’t know my own strength.Theme 3 – BURNED BUT NOT BROKEN (Defining Event Logos) [Firefighter badly burned in arson attack]
Identity – “Some people just want to watch the world burn.”
Power Tags
A. To protect others from a similar fate.
B. Firefighter’s disability pension
E. Blind Counselor
F. Forensic Science
B. Rejected as a disfigured freak
D. ArsonphobiaTheme 4 – HE MADE ME, BUT DOESN’T OWN ME (Defining Relationship Logos) [Father – Dr. Vincent Fallworth]
Identity – “I wish dad would stop trying to control me.”
Power Tags
A. A Safe Place
B. Medical Doctor
D. Stubborn
B. Something to prove
Next up will be my characters channeling the Mythoi of The Invisible Man and The Creature from the Black Lagoon. I rewatched both of those movies yesterday for a little inspiration and research (and fun).
There are still a few days left in the City of Mist Starter Set Kickstarter: